About Mercedes Motoring
I grew up in Nevada next door to a Mercedes-Benz mechanic named Sheldon. Sometimes I’d sit on my BMX bike and watch him work. There’d be Sheldon buried halfway in an engine compartment going on-and-on about the immortality of the Mercedes-Benz diesel. Occasionally he’d pop up to see if I was still listening, and then plunge right back in.

15 or so years later, in the fall of 2003, I walked away from the corporate world after walking by a “For Sale” sign in Huntington Beach. It was a faded maple yellow 300SD for $700… Mercedes Motoring was born. I spent weeks bringing that car back to life--almost losing my mind one afternoon when the passenger seat refused to come out. Even though there was a challenging and humbling learning curve, I loved it. That car didn’t just teach me about Mercedes-Benz, it taught me to embrace a passion I had been toying with for years--my obsession with cars. My mother still sighs about my nine years of college to restore cars.
Today I own an entire shop dedicated to the mechanical restoration, interior rehabilitation, and historical preservation of Mercedes-Benz. My team and I scour the world to find well-preserved, often exceedingly low mileage vehicles. Each car then undergoes an exhaustive and methodical refurbishment.
Upon completion, the net effect will be a prize possession for the collector, the curious multi-vehicle owner or the consumer wise enough to recognize that a classic Mercedes-Benz can be your daily driver for vastly less than a common current vehicle.
Why I love Mercedes-Benz, — specifically Mercedes-Benz diesels produced between 1968 and 1985 — is simple: in my opinion they are the best mass-production cars ever made. The longevity of these cars is validated by their commonplace on today’s roads, and they continue to appreciate. The best example I can provide is this: when buying a new car you are faced with gross depreciation and a huge environmental manufacturing impact. When buying a classic Mercedes-Benz you have little to no depreciation, and minimal materials are needed to make these cars like new again. You also have numerous options for renewable and reusable fuel sources.
Not to mention the fun you’ll have driving one of these unique, comfortably worn-in beauties!
J.G. Francis
Owner, Mercedes Motoring
What I Do

The cars I choose to acquire and restore start with several golden rules:
- low mileage and mostly original with respect to paint, interior, and drivetrain
- extensive documented history validating their low mileage
- well-maintained and garage-kept
From there I begin the process of restoring these cars back to their original factory condition, which involves a long list of trade secrets and substantial costs. Although I have some of the best cars in existence to begin with, the process of getting them to look and drive like they did when new generally takes 6-8 weeks.
How to Purchase
Two ways to acquire a car from me:
- Purchase one that has already been through the restoration process and is for sale on the home page.
- Tell me exactly what you want and I'll find it. I ask for a $3,500 deposit to begin the search.